Ruth Stevens
Hello, my name is Ruth Stevens and I am a full time student and procrastination extraordinaire. I study visual arts and very much enjoy starting pieces that I never finish. Aside from art I like to work out at the rec (only when it is empty, of course), cook vegan food (that means only tofu and raw vegetables apparently), and impulsively buy things that I do not need online! When I have excess free time, which is all the time, I like to watch way too many youtube videos and scroll through Instagram while simultaneously ghosting everyone that I follow. But in all seriousness, art is my passion and doing anything else always feels unproductive, and thus I strive to be the all too stereotypical starving artist. I like to dabble in all areas: pencils, charcoal, oil, acrylic, and watercolors as well as colored pencils every once in a while.
Artist Statement
Throughout the entirety of my life, I have been obsessed with drawing people. I love the depth and detail of eyes, lips, hands, and just the entire body in general. There is something beautiful about all of it. Up until this point I had not really thought about what my art meant or why I created it. My main goal was aesthetics; I just wanted it to be attractive. Nowadays I think a lot more about what I am creating, and I accredit that to being asked to explain myself to my professors and peers and saying "I think it's pretty" is not quite good enough. After a lot of thought, I have decided to primarily stick with portraiture, however the reason is no longer because someone is attractive, rather it is to explore the actual appearance of real people. One of my goals is to try and capture life in my artworks. I want them to look real. I want you to feel like you could reach out and touch it and feel their skin. Also I would like to explore the depths of how we perceive one another as humans. We judge people everyday based on how they look and what features they have or lack. I think you actually can tell a lot about people based on their features. Not necessarily whether or not they have a wide or thin nose or if their bottom and top lip are exactly the same height, but the way that they move, the slight changes that occur in our features in regards to how we feel or are thinking about. I would like to capture emotion and try to tell a story about each person featured in my pieces.